Walking Football competition comes to Harris
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Cammy Morrison On Saturday 7 September, the first walking football competition will take place in Harris to raise money for community...
- 7 days ago
Ben Nevis climb raises thousands for local care homes
Chirsty Macleod Walkers of all ability levels must get a great deal of satisfaction in reaching the summit of Ben Nevis, Scotland’s...
- 7 days ago
Harris Development Limited secures funding for Scalpay School transformation
Bryony Coram - Development Officer, Harris Development Limited Harris Development Limited was awarded £62,040 to transform the former...
- Aug 19
Almanac: Crios Chù Chulainn
Le Fañch Bihan-Gallic Aig an àm seo den bhliadhna, bidh oir an rothaid làn de na lusan àrda, tiugha, geala air a bheil “crios Chù...
- Aug 19
Tea break: Gemma Campbell
In our regular feature, we join a local for a tea break, and find out how they spend their time - and their time off. This week we...
- Aug 19
Fishing exhibition in Scalpay keeps attracting visitors
Comunn Eachdraidh Scalpaigh - Scalpay Historical Society “Our Fishing Heritage” is in its 4th week at the Scalpay Community Centre. We...
- Aug 5
Almanac: Uamhan na Hearadh
Le Fañch Bihan-Gallic Tha cruth-tìre nan Eilean làn clachan is creagan, anns a nochdas uamhan tric gu leòr. ’S fhiach mothachadh gu bheil...
- Aug 5
Tea break of superheroes
In this special edition of the Tea break, we bring you exclusive interviews with the youngest of local superheroes. Claire, 13: To...
- Aug 5
The South Harris Agricultural Show arrives
It was the much-anticipated South Harris Agricultural Show yesterday, Tuesday 30 July. The event, always a highlight in the summer...
- Jul 22
A special Garden Party attended by Harris representatives
Each year, the Royal Family invites over 30,000 guests to a Garden Party to meet with people who have made a positive impact in their...
- Jul 22
Tea break: George Owens
In our regular feature, we join a local for a tea break, and find out how they spend their time - and their time off. This week we...
- Jul 22
The Barber of Tarbert: Looking back at the local hair salon
Tarbert newcomers might easily overlook the inconspicuous building across from the Waterside Café. However, the small pretty sign that...
- Jul 8
Tea break: Tom Thorpe
In our regular feature, we join a local for a tea break, and find out how they spend their time - and their time off. This week we...
- Jul 8
Almanac: Na Lusan a dh’itheas feòil
Le Fañch Bihan-Gallic Bidh a’ mhòinteach làn de na flùraichean beaga as t-samhradh, agus chithear dathan gu leòr ann, gu h-àraidh san...
- Jul 8
Your island, my island, and our shared story
In the last week of June, Harris welcomed transnational youth exchange participants from Barbados. The exchange is part of the Shared...
- Jun 26
Tea break: Louisa MacDougall
In our regular feature, we join a local for a tea break, and find out how they spend their time - and their time off. This week we...
- Jun 26
Harris Shinty keeps growing
Shinty after-school sessions have started at Sir E Scott School. The sessions, which are open to all P3 to P7 children, will be running...
- Jun 26
A green thumbs-up to two local groups
Tarbert in Bloom organised its first-ever Farmers’ Market on a rainy Saturday last week. In addition to plants, passers-by got the chance...
- Jun 24
Tea break: Corina MacInnes
In our regular feature, we join a local for a tea break, and find out how they spend their time - and their time off. This week we...
- Jun 24
National Census: Reflecting on the Gaelic data
By Fañch Bihan-Gallic Seo sinn! After over 2 years of waiting, we finally have the data from the Scottish National Census for Gaelic. The...
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