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Next steps for Tarbert Housing Development plans

A resoundingly positive response to last month’s consultation about building more houses in Scott Road, means that plans for the Tarbert development can move to the next stage.

A draft plan with the development's potential location (Hebridean Housing Partnership)HP)

Of the 69 responses (online and in person) to Hebridean Housing Partnership’s call for residents’ views, 59 (more than 85 per cent) were in favour of plans for 22 new houses, and potentially more, going ahead.

“Given this overall positive community response to the proposal, the North Harris Trust have agreed to donate the land required for the project,” said Michael Hunter, NHT Manager.

“It was recognised that concerns were raised around the impact on road traffic and drainage, and these issues will need to be adequately addressed as part of the planning process.”

Following the response, it is anticipated that a planning application will be submitted by the Hebridean Housing Partnership (the local housing association) in May. As the proposed site forms part of Tarbert Com-mon Grazings, shareholders will be asked to support an application for the land to be removed from crofting tenure.

Harris Forum, which represents community views on development, welcomed the news.

“Our housing strategy aims to ‘progress plans and projects for housing aspirations…to create the opportunity of making Harris Home for a growing com-munity,’” said David Macdonald, HF Development Officer. “With that in mind, a positive outcome to housing development in Scott Road would be a great result, benefitting Harris, and our grow-ing community.”


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