There was a fantastic turn-out for the annual Crossroads Primary Football Tournament, which was held at Sir E Scott School at the end of January.

The event saw participants from both Sir E Scott and Leverhulme Memorial Schools compete in a fun six-a-side contest, which also helped to raise awareness about the role of the organisation, which provides respite and support for local carers, and supports vulnerable people living alone.
The winning team were the Pro Performers, the runners up were the Mighty Reds.
Annie MacDonald was named player of the tournament. The children and spectating parents enjoyed an excellent spread of refreshments after the initial matches.

“It was a fantastic afternoon, with a really good turnout of family and friends including teachers who came together to support the Primary 4-7 children,” said Hazel MacLeod from Crossroads.
“Adam Johnson, Andy Murray and Pauline Macleod had everything well organised, with special mention to the secondary pupils who proved to be confident and fair referees. We would especially like to thank the canteen staff for the preparation of the food.”