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Crossroads recognises long-serving team members

Report from Crossroads Care Harris

In December the Committee and staff gathered to pay tribute to three care attendants who were retiring from the service and to the long term supporter and auctioneer John Murdo Morrison MBE. Betty Gillies joined the service after retiring from nursing. 

Picture: Dolly MacLean (left) and Mary Ann Macsween

As an experienced nurse, recently retired, she was a huge asset to the service and was held in high regard by her clients. Chrissie Mary Macleod had been with the Service for many years and, although extremely busy with her full time work as home

carer, she was able to contribute much of her spare time to helping with clients and the service whenever she could and often went out of her way to assist.  

Mary Ann MacSween joined Crossroads in 1990 and served many clients selflessly and willingly for 33 years.  Mary Ann always went the extra mile for her clients and went beyond the call of duty many times. It was obvious from Mary Ann’s work that she wholly committed to her work and that she enjoyed what she was doing.

The Committee expressed their sincere gratitude to them all and wished them every blessing in retirement. John Murdo had been a constant supporter of Crossroads since its inception in 1985 and also promoted the service and encouraged others to support the service. He had acted as auctioneer at the Annual Sale of Work since these started and succeeded in raising a great deal of money for the service and provided entertainment at the same time.  

The Committee are immensely grateful to him.

The Committee would like to acknowledge with sincere thanks:


Individual donations totalling £120

Donation of £200 from Leverburgh GP Surgery.

Donation of £150 from Leverburgh FP Church.




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