This issue we are having a break from Tea Break to take an in-depth look at a local job opportunity. Harris Development Ltd is recruiting a Development Officer (starting Spring 2024) to enact plans for much-needed key-worker accommodation. Harris Forum Development Officer David MacDonald tell us about the project, and the post.
Why is this job important?
The lack of housing in Harris is stifling the local economy. A study done by the Harris Forum last year showed that organisations in Harris need 210+ more staff over the next five years but currently, there is nowhere for them to live. This project looks to create short-term accommodation for at least 48 people at any one time which, isn’t the only solution required, but would go a long way to supporting the local economy.
What will my responsibilities be?
To begin with it would be understanding the
project. This has been over five years in the making and there is a lot to understand of the work already done by Harris Development Ltd. From there it would be working closely with partners, North Harris Trust, and making steps towards land acquisition. Whilst that is ongoing there would be a need to begin the design stage and work with a team of architects to decide what the accommoda-tion would look like - an incredibly exciting step. Once the design has been finalised and the cost of
the project is known then it will be working with stakeholders to create a funding package.
What would a typical day be?
No two days as a Development Officer are the same. Some days you can be researching and do-ing administration, the next you could be meeting with key stakeholders. Even a day can start off as focusing on one thing and a few phone calls later can look very different.

What sort of person are you looking for?
Someone who has enthusiasm and a real passion about the development of Harris. It would be ideal if potential candidates had development work
experience but being willing to learn is a great starting point. As funding is a crucial aspect of the post, we would value an understanding of the funding landscape and some experience of projects that required funding support.
Crucially, we need someone who is a team player with strong communication skills and a desire to grow into the rest of the role.
Do I need a construction background?
Not necessarily – if you have a construction back-ground then this job would be a good fit. However, those skills are not essential. As long as a candidate is willing to learn on the job and passionate about the work, that will go a long way.
I’m interested. Is there someone I can chat to?
Absolutely – informal enquiries can be made to the Harris Development Ltd Chairperson (Kenny Macleod) on or come to the recruitment event HDL are hosting.
Recruitment Event: The Marriage Room,
Council Offices, Tarbert from 4pm-7pm,
Thursday 15th February 2024.