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Anne’s fundraising fun means more cash for charities

It’s been a busy March for Anne MacLeod, who has been out and about Harris celebrating both Comic Relief and World Book Day with her friends - all while raising money for good causes.

Comic Relief

Kate Lewis writes: Who knew policing Tarbert and Leverburgh could be so much fun! And lucrative! Anne and I collected over £700 on our rounds dressed as Bob-bies on the Beat for Comic Relief last Friday and Monday.

We would like to thank everyone for their dona-tions, which will go towards alleviating poverty in the UK and the developing world. In India, disabled and homeless children will be supported into education, and in Britain, full time carers will be among those bene-fiting from the Red Nose Day appeal.

Special thanks go to Ali Smailes, our local PC for the ride in the police car, and for allowing the recruits to give it a good polish! We could never have raised so much without the help of our friends. Waterside Cafe, The Sports Centre, Cafe 34 and Aòsd agus Ùr all encouraged us to go ahead and be daft! It was a huge giggle and a big warm hug from the community.

RNLI Book Swap

Anne and Nina MacKinnon have been taking care of the RNLI book swap at the Tarbert Ferry Terminal since it opened last Autumn, collecting donations and keeping the stock of books refreshed and tidy. The resource has been so popular among locals and visitors that last week (just before World Book Day) they added a second bookcase...and it’s filling up fast.

The ferry terminal team want to thank Anne and Nina, as well as everyone who uses the book swap or donates to it. A fantastic £332.91 was recently donated to the RNLI as a result of the project.

As you can see from the photograph, the bookcases are looking busy with a wide range of titles, so why not pop in and pick out something to read over the Easter break. There are recipe books, auto-biographies, fiction for adults and children and much more. Donations are welcome


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