Shinty after-school sessions have started at Sir E Scott School.

The sessions, which are open to all P3 to P7 children, will be running every Thursday after school (3:45-4:45) until the end of term. The initiative was started by Emma Mackinnon, who recently completed her coaching training, and Duncan MacDougall, a former player with Glenorchy shinty club, with support from Camanachd Leodhais, the Lewis shinty club.
Harris shinty can also count on the help of three experienced Camanachd Leodhais players who live and work in Harris. Paddy Sinclair, Donnie Macrae, and Scott Macleod all work at the Harris Distillery and have agreed to coach the children.
Paddy Sinclair noted: “The shinty was a lot of fun! I am glad there is now another sport for young people to come and try in Harris. An extra sport will help develop all sports and activities across Harris, and I could see some potential shinty stars in the making!” Donnie added: “Great session, with 16 boys and girls who showed to be natural shinty players. I was impressed!”