Tarbert in Bloom organised its first-ever Farmers’ Market on a rainy Saturday last week.

In addition to plants, passers-by got the chance to make their very own “bug hotel” and purchase lovely bird feeders to adorn their gardens. All donations on the day went towards the improvement of the village. A huge sum of £565 was raised that will be put towards more planting. Summer pots have already been set up all around the village for everyone to enjoy. Tania and Jocelyn, the event’s organisers, would like to thank everyone who donated plants, as well as people who came support Tarbert in Bloom on the day.
The North Harris Bowls Group ran a café during the event and managed to raise the fantastic amount of £765.30. On behalf of the group, Cathie Blunt would like to sincerely thank all those that contributed in making our fundraising café and made it such a huge success ie bakers, soup makers, and sandwich makers. Thanks to all that came along to support us and made such generous donations, to the ladies and gents that helped to run the café, and the Community Centre for letting us use their facilities.